Suuuuuuper uncomfortable
19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Who's idea was this? Why was it ever greenlit? Is there anyone who can honestly watch this and simultaneously not be icked out by it and also not come across as a complete creep? The entire plot is just an excuse for an extended Riley/Buffy sex scene. The sex is "artistic", there are camera cuts and blankets and dark lighting, but the audio...omg the audio...the mouth sounds and the moaning could be straight up out of p*rn, not even joking. There was a kind of poltergeist / haunted house story tacked on, but I feel like the only point of it was to set up a mean old prude lady who could be pointed at if anyone in the audience raised an eyebrow at all the...rest.

Was it an old school feminist thing like how basically all the ladies in Ye Olde 60s Star Trek were nearly naked and rubbing on Captain Kirk, but hey it's ok, cuz "idk liberating or something"? It comes across that way and it's honestly the only explanation I can think of. It has aged extremely poorly, regardless. Also I'm really, really glad I did not watch it with my mother.

I'll throw it a couple of stars literally just for Giles' singing though cuz that was genuinely pretty good.
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