Shrinking (2023– )
Shrinking = Crazy Love Therapy
25 March 2023
After you read the short IMDb synopsis and the little more detailed storyline further on the series' page, you might ask yourself if this is going to be a cliché probed story or boosted boring one, but it is far from. Read both. Then take a look at the cast, a cast, after watching episode one, I found endearing in the most outrageous and convoluted way. How else were the writers going to keep us watching? Anyway you try to define normal you are bound to conclude that normal is not the only way to live, it's the most monotonous and uninspiring way. If you are a therapist, as are Paul, played by Harrison Ford, the senior curmudgeon partner of that therapy clinic, or Jimmy, played by Jason Segel, the junior therapist badly in need of therapy himself, or Gaby, played by Jessica Williams, an ideal know-it-all who bridges her two partners behaviours in just the right way, that which molds into the therapy that fits your situation, everyone's really. With patients that have deep problems, perhaps an extraordinary approach ain't such a bad idea to treat them, and yourself. So Paul and Jimmy are the first benefactor of the not so standard practices; good, because they need it. Gaby is sort of the magic potion glue that exceptionally holds it all together, while no one sees that happen, least of all herself, as I see it.

We make the acquaintance of only a few of their patients, mostly all Jimmy's, and can observe the impact Jimmy's unorthodox treatment by truth has on them and himself. Not only that, but Paul's personal issues are resolved as he provides support for his partners who return that support despite his resistance. I was impressed with Paul's character as performed by Harrison Ford; it was a revelation and a very satisfying one at that.

The partners' relatives, friends and neighbours, add and absolutely necessary and very delicious spice to all their interactions. The witty repartee between all characters, no not cliché, I said witty repartee, is like a perfect melody to a beautiful song. Every episode introduces us to a new song, a song of love of course. And there can be no love without smiles, concerns for friends and unabashed truth. The series made my laugh, moved me and made me appreciate my own craziness as it will yours, I pretty sure it will if you let it.
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