Sakthi (2011)
My advice: just watch the first half
27 March 2023
I give the first half of this film full marks. Sadly, halfway through it becomes a completely different story.

In the beginning we spend time with NTR jr as an arrogant tour guide. He's hilarious. The heroine is feisty. Her friends are a blast. Sadly in the later half she is given nothing to do. The movie becomes a little too heavy on religious themes, the humour vanishes, and the friends kind of diappear as well. It's a shame because I think NTR jr is at his most charming when he is given comedic material. Yes, he nails drama too, but the script wasn't engaging enough to make part 2 interesting, even with the capable actors.

I gave up trying to make sense of the Egyptian antagonists. Probably best not to think about it too much. Much was done with cgi, but given how bad it looks I wonder why they didn't cut those parts, or try to go for more practical effects.

I had trouble following the tonal jumps. One moment we're clowning around with two lovely characters, the next these innocents get brutally murdered.

I wish this film could have remained within the confines of an excellent road trip film with exciting hang gliding action sequences.

To end on a positive note: the songs are amazing. The dancing is some of my favourite from any Indian film. (There's a cowboy type number that was so fun.)
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