The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case has some good chills if not as much laughs as one hopes
29 March 2023
While sleeping as Stan is fishing, Ollie is awakened not only by Stan's fish wiggling under his posterior but also by a newspaper page hitting his face. On that page, Ollie sees an item that says to go to the Ebenezer Laurel mansion for the reading of the will. So Stan might be in for some money, eh? When they arrive, the police detective says Ebenezer was murdered and he wants all relatives to stay put including Stan & Ollie. I'll stop there and say while there's plenty of funny stuff during the fishing scene, it's a little less so in the haunted house one though the atmosphere there is chillingly compelling so there's that. Having said that, The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case was pretty entertaining. So that's a recommendation. Next, I'll go from Stan maybe not getting his possible inheritance to Lou Costello possibly getting his in Comin' Down the Mountain.
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