A Comedy With Leads Who Will Disgust You
9 April 2023
I honestly back to back watched Scorsese movies today. And I am so glad that I watched The Wolf of Wall Street almost immediately after The Departed. After The Departed I wanted something lighthearted yet intense still and this movie totally fit the bill.

I laughed and was entertained by the movie for sure but not as much as others stated. A bigger feeling that I had during this movie was the disgust by the characters. Yeah they showed a beautiful life, but I did not find the characters redeemable for the most part, particularly Jordan Belfort. And I was okay with that because I knew what Scorsese was trying to convey and I was okay with feeling this disgust and seeing this reality through this biopic.

The film may have been about the scam by Jordan Belfort, but it was more of a biopic and focused on Belfort only. We never saw the way his actions affected the victims, but we saw him and how the extremities of him and Wall Street culture is horrific and enabled. I think it would have been valuable to see some victims, but still it worked and got the point across without being on the nose. Although it might be a reason why some misinterpret the film. It showcases wall street culture quite well and shows how toxic it is. Loved the film for how much it showed, and glad to learn it was an accurate portrayal from others.

Leonardo DiCaprio lived it as Jordan Belfort. Apart from the final shot, I don't know how Belfort is in reality, but DiCaprio succeeded in making me hate the character and loved his performance. He was hilarious and made the audience hate him simultaneously. Margot Robbie was amazing in this movie, putting her beauty aside, she really added to how we hated Belfort with her performance and the scenes she had with him. Jonah Hill was another character who was initially hilarious and just as hated as others as time went on. Loved the performances in the movie.

Some scenes were just fantastic. I loved the ending and the messaging that Scorsese attempted was quite commendable, but I think a scene or two of victims could have made it register for some of the audience. The final scene could be broken down and dissected for ages to show the reality of how gullible we as humans are and how despite us not liking how it ended for the character, this is reality.

Overall, a great financial scam where the makers want you to disliked the characters and learn about the toxicity of wall street.
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