Welp...The Cats Out of The Bag...But with Bad CGI Somtimes
12 April 2023
So yah...as the title blatantly states, the movie was PEPPERED...kitty LITTERED...with poor cgi at times.

It almost through me for a loop as for the most part from the beginning onward for a while the movie was in modern, pretty crisp and swanky looking cgi...WHE SUDDENLY BAM! Cell shaded crummy effects begin.

I cant tell if thye honestly thought most people wouldnt be able to tell the difference, or if the studio actually believed it would supposedly seem more dynamic and like a comic books action sequence...or if the studio just got cheap. But it was no bueno.

Every time there was action...the quality dropped, especially for the framerate. It was a the point that the movements of characters at times was so noticeably halted that I thoguht I was watching stop motion. And not good stop motion either, like og Wallace and Grommet.

Still though, the overall tale was enjoyable, and I had some laughs. Great to see the same voice ators for the two main characters come back. And then the dude that plays Guillermo in What We Do In THe Shadows does the voice of the adorable lil new friend, Perrito in the new Puss and Boots adventure...it was hard to fully hate it all at times. But all things that begin have an end, and the movie was still worth the watch.

Still was peppered with the same emasculating, quasi veiled man hating rhetoric of "Dont try to be a hero" or almost trying to convince men not to seek "adventure" form some perspectives..but if ya want some laughs, this was decent enough. Bit more swearing in it than I ever heard in any of the other Puss n Boots or Shrek films. They said Hell at least once if not twice, and had almost a dozen of the classic "bleeped" swear words, though that was for comical effect only. But wow...whole movie slid by with a 6/10...and that ending...Worth the wait MWHAHAHA :P.
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