Review of 300

300 (2006)
Leonidas the SIMP
15 April 2023
Leonidas was a massive simp! It's true, the movie 300 tells us so. After several years I reviewed the awesome 300 but viewing it with fresh eyes this shocking truth is revealed. Take the iconic scene where Leonidas Spartan kicks the Persian emissary into a well ( not a great move ), just before putting the boot (sandal) in Leonidas turns to his wife who nods her approval. What!? Then there is the iconic line, "Return with you shield or on it!" in other words "Go defend me and don't bother coming back if you fail". The brass neck on this woman, it's obvious who wears the loin cloth in that house. To cap it off she then makes a cuck of Leonidas to bribe her way to speak before the Senate. Stunning and brave, stunning and brave.

It's still an awesome movie though with loads of great action scenes and stunning art direction wrapped up in a, for the time unique visual aesthetic so if you can overcome the blue pill sensibilities 300 is still a great watch.
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