Gotti (2018)
Honest telling
17 April 2023
Some movies are controversial because they tell a narrative accurately. People just cannot accept a movie where a mobster is not portrayed as a sadistic madman.

However, real life isn't that simple. There is nuance. This movie isn't afraid to tell the nuance.

In many ways the narrative clearly shows the criminal behavior of the principle characters, including the acts of murder. There is nothing sugar coated.

On the other hand, the movie may have been a few years ahead of an ideal release because it also shows the feds in a less than flattering light. Subsequent events seemed to confirm what is documented in this movie, which is a federal legal system that obsessed on convicting one man and then his son, and failed multiple times in the effort.

The reality is that the feds finally had to publicly announce they would make no further effort to prosecute the son, and that's a matter of public record, just as the movie shows.

Yet, people attack the movie.

The public isn't ready to see notorious crime bosses portrayed realistically. It seems many would prefer to see them as over-the-top characters, such as Al Pacino's effort in Scarface. It's entertaining, but it isn't at all realistic.

It's funny, that an almost cartoonish portrayal of a drug kingpin is lauded by the critics, while this portrayal that is far more realistic is widely panned.

Over a million people who lived in NYC will still have nothing but good things to say about John Gotti, and to a lesser extent about his son John A. Gotti.

One can surmise it's because people are foolish, or perhaps they can take a more objective look. This movie tried to take that more objective look. People can watch and decide for themselves what they like or don't like about it.

But, the record is pretty clear. The two John Gotti's were murderous mob bosses, but also human beings with more nuances than many may be comfortable accepting. That discomfort doesn't diminish the accuracy one bit.
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