Please Give It Chance Before You Hate On This......
19 April 2023
The Pros= I Personally Loved the Opening Scene and the Opening Narration to this Short Film. The Next thing that I Loved about his is that all of the 2D Animation still holds up in my opinion. And speaking of I also feel that the 3D Animation was not that bad considering, little more on that later. And I thought that it was kind of cool having Rayden being a guide of sorts to not only the three heroes but to us the Audience as well, to a certain extent was a really great and clever way of explaining not only the Mortal Kombat Tournament and why it's very important that our here's Win. But also the Backstory of certain characters as well for those that are New to the Franchise like I once was. Then there the little themes in there I feel they really fit not only to the movie but also to the Universe of the Mortal Kombat Franchise as a whole.

The voice works I thought was really well done, as I feel that everyone of those Voice Actors really embodied their character's role. And I also loved how you could really feel the chemistry between the characters even in the beginning of the movie even though they are just Cartoon Characters. And now we come to the ending I just absolutely loved how just before when the End Credits Rolled, the same Voice Over Narrator gave Mini Bios for every character that was in was in the film that we just watched. And not only that just after the Mini Bios for each character the Move Set for that character appeared on screen for a few seconds, and while the Mini Bios was presented on screen the Hight, Weight, Age, Etc for that character also appeared on screen. Hare's what I mean for example for the Liu Kang Bio, the Narrator would Announce his Origins and what's he capable of in an Epic way, all the while Liu Kang's Hight Weight Age would appear on screen. And after when the Narrator finishes his Epic Mini Bio on Liu Kang, Liu Kang's Video Game Move List or rather a bare bones of would appear on screen in placement of the previous that was on screen for Liu Kang. And speaking of End Credits I also loved how they basically gave you a Free Cheat Code for the then New Mortal Kombat 3 Video Game. Don't ask me what the Cheat Code was because I was never quick enough to successfully input it in, in time especially when I was a Kid.

And on a bit of a personal point there's something about this film that always makes feel like, it could be a Launching point for a Friday Night Cartoon or something. And unless I'm Forgetting anything that should do it for the Pros for now.

The Cons= I guess I mind as well start with the 3D Animation that I mentioned in the Pros. I think a lot of people hate this film so much is, that they fail to recognize that the makers of this film didn't exactly have the same budget. Of Mainframe Entertainment famed for doing Reboot, Beast Wars Transformers, and Shadow Raiders just to name a few. To which all three shows that I have mentioned came out in the same year that this movie came out. But I must admit as much as I loved the animation itself, it's just that the movements in the animation is a little Cheap and Choppy. And sadly that very same Cheap and Choppy movement animation carried on to the 2D Fighting Scenes as well. But I think that's why I enjoyed the animation so much as I understand that this movie didn't have Mainframe Entertainment level of money for their 3D animation scenes.

Moving on this film is supposed to take place before the Live Action Mortal Kombat Film. Not only it was advertised as so but they literally mention it in this movie. But sadly that's where I feel the disconnect as Yes the Events are the same, but the way how this even unfolds is deferent. For example in the Live Action Film Sub-Zero Froze Sonya Blade's Gun but in this Sub-Zero Froze Sonya Blade's Arm. And In the Live Action Film Shang Tsung Declared the Start of the Mortal Kombat Tournament on his boat, but in this Shang Tsung Declared the Start of the Mortal Kombat Tournament on his Island instead just to name a couple of examples. But still an enjoyable movie non the less. And unless I'm Forgetting anything else that should do it for the Cons for now.

Final Thoughts= Going back to what I was saying before. If you really want to give this a chance before you start hating on it. Hare's where I know you could watch it. The first obviously is in the Special Feature Section for the Blu-Ray Release of the 1995 Mortal Kombat Movie. The Second is from my research is on HBO MAX soon to be just simply MAX. And Third and Final place is on good old YouTube but for Warned with YouTube you would only be able to watch Clips as it doesn't look like you are able to watch the Full Version of this Movie, even if you typed in 'Full Movie' you would only get Clips back for the Results, and sadly that's about only places that I know of that you could watch this film. But if know of other places than all the power to you. And finally I highly recommend watching this for any Mortal Kombat Fans of any Level, or at least give it a try. Just as long as you could ignore all of the Negative Points of, and besides if you think about it all that is Bad about this movie are really minor just as long as you understand that this was Pretty Good for the Budget that they had at the time. And if you do I truly hope you enjoy. As they alway say in the games "Choose Your Destiny"
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