The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
19 April 2023've finally decided it's what you want. It's been on your mind a long time, but now you're ready to close your eyes and jump. Jump...face-first into that ever-challenging, but richly rewarding world of the supermarket checker. You don't want to be just ANY checker, though...oh, Heaven's no. You want to be an AMAZING checker. The BEST checker. The be-all, end-all, mighty King Ashurbanipal of checkers. This brief tutorial film will give you one-up over your competition, and it might even give you some handy hair-styling incentives along the way!

Three award-winning cashiers will guide you on your journey...but beware! This a journey fraught with shoplifters, impatient housewives, and out-of-control rugrats, so trust in the sovereign guidance of your mentors. Wax on...wax off. You'll have your black belt in customer service in no time(and maybe an enormous, concrete-stiff bouffant, too).

This film is your key to supermarket-checker success. Live the dream.
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