Xiaolin Showdown (2003–2006)
I like it more than I wish I did.
20 April 2023
The goofiest a smart show can be. Watching this, one did not feel like an adult but it was still good.

The best possible integration of that Baku-Mon genre of media in which you collect a certain type of artifact and battle to improve your collection abiding by strict rules. I suspect there was at some point some kind of trading card game based on this but unusually, that game would have been cashing in on this, not what the show was advertizing.

I loved the mechanics of this with all the neat little trinkets and how they gamble with them in the titular contests. There's also an elemental gimmick like we would see in Legend of Aang but it's not a major aspect.

The main characters are really agreeable with monk-from-birth Omi delighting in his new friends and their modern ways. Cocky Raimundo and chic, techo-literate Kimiko go well with old-timey (and sexist) cowboy Clay.

Lessons from old-school but cool Master Fung and his wise talking dragon made each episode a chance at a life lesson but never in an obnoxious way. The main villain is that Dr. Drakken type where he's more of a clown than anything but we later get a greatly formidable villain in the form of Chase Young.

Again, sometimes, silly, frequently cartoonish, there were some sincerely gripping plot elements and well thought through pay-offs in this show that was in so many ways typical and familiar, but managed to become as magical as the weapons the used by just doing 100 things 1% better.
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