A Terrible and Pathetic Film About Cheating and How its Ok
22 April 2023
This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life. And I have seen enough as it is.

But I dont mean the quality of the film used, or the techniques and look of the movies scenes were bad, nor did the movie use low grade actors. And perhaps that is whats most disappoint. I would expect a pathetic excuse for a romance story with excuses for cheating on ones fiancee to be something more akin to a "B" or "C" grade low budget project.

THis film just got more deplorable at the spiritual and intellectual level as time went on. And I could see it happening in the moment, to muy dismay.

I could give spoilers on how two of the characters are both deviants without a shred of self control, or how the male fiancee of the lead character is both a push over and an utter fool ( because its people like them that, in real life give rise to an acceptable precedant for infidelity). None of the characters, their lives or choices were commendable, worth emulating or even taking into considertation. If anything, this crummy movie might be used, at the most, as a cautionary tale to show to young adults toteach them to make better life choices by doing the OPPOSITE of what the films protagonist did.

Obviously its not enough to just teach STEM subjects in high school or college, there should of course be much more room for critical thinking on the negative effects that cheating, lack of control over ones urges, and the importance of staying true; to both ones word, but also to the commitments people claim to adhere to every day. 2/10 for this garbage movie. Too much of it was tragically realistic, yet in the end it ironically took a detour through "La LA LAnd", somehow trying to erase all the wrongs that happened from our minds, just so we could sympathize with the female lead character. Pfft...trash.
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