Feeling Butterflies (2022 TV Movie)
Didn't quite have my heart in a flutter
25 April 2023
Really liked the concept for 'Feeling Butterflies', it sounded really cute and charming and with the potential to be a good mix of light hearted and moving. Am familiar with Kevin McGarry and have liked him in many of his films regardless of the films themselves. All the Hallmark regulars have up and down filmographies but most of the most popular ones have been consistent in their performances, and while not one of the most prolific regulars McGarry is more watchable than he isn't.

'Feeling Butterflies' was no exception to this. In terms of performances, it is one of the best acted films of the first half of Hallmark's 2022 output, and it has lead characters worth engaging with without being distracted by them being unlikeable. Did however, sad to say, find the film itself somewhat uneven. It is definitely worth seeing and has a lot of good, but as much as it saddens me to say this reviewer can't get entirely on board with the very high praise from most. 'Feeling Butterflies' is not one of the worst 2022 Hallmark films, but it is not one of the best either.

There is a lot to like here. Kayla Wallace and McGarry give very amiable performances that have a great deal of charm and just as much depth. The chemistry between them is very sweet and never rang false. The rest of the acting is also well above average, with the standout being Alyssa Gervasi, who gives one of the most natural, heart tugging and relatable child performances seen recently. Really identified with all three characters and appreciated that neither were written too perfectly or had flaws taken to extremes, personally found Amanda developed very well. Kathryn Kohut and Randy Thomas make the most of what they have.

It is a lovely looking film, one of the best looking 2022 Hallmark films on the whole. And not just the lush scenery, but also the colourful fashions and jewellery (Wallace looks fabulous throughout). The script doesn't come over as too cheesy or sentimental, flows at least and sounds like everyday conversation. Loved the chemistry between Wallace and Gervasi, which had a lot of heart. The story is light hearted and heart-warming with a sweet and not too neat ending, while any conflicting feelings were relatable this time rather than frustrating.

Having said that, 'Feeling Butterflies' is not perfect by any stretch. Really do have to agree about the CGI, both about its overuse and how jarringly cheap it looks. Also about the information on the butterflies, it was nice to have some educational value and did enjoy learning about butterflies but everything about the monarch butterflies and caterpillars is just sloppy.

While loving the leads, the supporting characters are not near as interesting or as likeable, with the rivals tending to annoy and the father's lack of support and sympathy was a turn off. There is too much of the competing businesses and it came over as really childish and petty in delivery rather than having any real tension. The music has some pleasantness but is too loud.

Concluding, decent film but wasn't wowed by it. 6/10.
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