Not fit for any form of intelligent consumption
5 May 2023
I thought this program looked very interesting so I approached it quite positively.

Unfortunately it's a massive fail.

I saw no science or to be exact no "experts" whose words I could trust.

They all seemed to start out with some actual proven facts than went on to espouse truly unsubstantiated crackpot theories that meant I could not take anything they said seriously.

Just one example - "the female orgasm can be 10 times more power than the male" OK - I can accept that.

Then "and should we run the intensity of a female orgasm through a male brain there is a danger the shock would kill them" Really ?- utter nonsense, hyperbole and outlandish conjecture.

This is no documentary - it's some propaganda piece from a feminist narrative designed to empower women by making stuff up about how strong they are and trying to transpose traditional positions of weakness to ones of power that requires illogical mental gymnastics.

It doesn't help that the interviewer seems to be half asleep, almost slurring her words and aimlessly repeating the words of the interviewee back to them in an attempt to show shock or surprise but it doesn't work, it's just irritating and distracting.

My experience of being male and young was that the norm for blokes was they would bonk almost any woman, anytime, any place then repeat with a different woman within hours if the opportunity allowed until they were spent. Then repeat as soon as possible, daily.

Never came across any women who would do that - sure they exist but they are rare, not the norm.

The film didn't touch on anything like that - you know - like an actual comparison between the sexes .

The title is clickbait.
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