Royal Crackers (2023– )
Disappointment in Adult Swim
10 May 2023
This show SUCKS. It has bad humor, hideous art, and whoever in the adult swim HQ approved this, deserves to be fired. Who thought that this was a good show? It has a very unfunny character with a ripoff Metallica shirt and man thought it was funny to just play the Seinfeld theme when it you're not even playing it, plus the writing is VERY bad like VERY VERY bad. And let's go back to the art, I know i'm not a good artist but who decided for the art to look like that? It looks like a 10 year old drew it! By the way, I'm going to say this again, the jokes don't even make sense and I HAVE NEVER seen a adult swim show that unfunny. Bravo, Adult Swim, you just made the worst ever show in your entire life. If you want a actually enjoyable and funny adult swim show other then Rick and Morty, please for the love of god, at least watch Smiling Friends because that is top tier goofy comedy.
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