17 May 2023
We are devolving as a species. It is truly a horror to behold.

Looking for a movie with plenty of eye-rolly insults made to belittle and condescend to a woman who chooses not to get married and have babies? Need your fix of "lol isn't she dumb for being '''''""independent?'"''"'' Oh no, a woman who enjoys her own company?? She must be broken!

Filled to the brim of the antiquated notion that "woman need man", "woman bad at stuff", "look how silly when woman try to do a thing"; methinks writers of this sort of bs protest waaay too much.

But I think my favourite thing is how whiny Chadley Whiteson gets when she doesn't want to make cookies with him.

Apropos of nothing, 70% of divorces are initiated by women. Just a fun fact.
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