Langenkamp is the sole reason to watch
25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An ultra low-budget and forgotten little movie, "Nickel Mountain" is saved from total obscurity by Heather Langenkamp. Exuding youthful confidence, she is definitely the glue that holds this film together and the sole reason to watch.

I always had a thing for Heather back in the day. She was not a classic beauty -- her mouth was always open, she had too many moles, her hair was a frizzy mess, and she needed to lose a few pounds -- but there was something very attractive about her. Her face lit up when she smiled, she had bright blue intelligent eyes, and she just seemed like a sincere, fun and down-to-earth girl. I guess the appeal was she came across as one of those average regular girl-next-door Straight-A types from High School, the kind most guys had a secret crush on but could never figure out why.

"Nickel Mountain" was one of Heather's first on screen appearances. She portrays an innocent 16-year old from a rural wide-spot-in-the-road in the middle of nowhere who becomes mired in a confusing love triangle. She has the hots for the local misunderstood handsome young bad-boy Willard (well played by Patrick Cassidy), but after he knocks her up and splits town she develops a relationship for the much-older and fatter Henry who takes her in (also well played by Michael Cole). Shy Henry dotes on her, yet she still yearns for the bad-boy. Hmmmmm, never heard THAT before. I wonder how this story will play out? :-)

The "hired-because-they-were-cheap" cast is generally made up of unrecognizable has-beens on their way down the career ladder, in addition to up-and-coming soon-to-be-famous newbies like Heather. For instance, I did not realize Henry was played by Pete from the "Mod Squad" because Michael Cole had aged sooo badly. Conversely, it caught me by surprise that a maternity ward nurse was played by Julie Montgomery -- a year or two before her breakout role as Betty Childs from "Revenge of the Nerds" -- because she looked so young.

Fans of "Seinfeld" will instantly recognize Grace Zabriskie who played Heather's mom, although it may take a few seconds to realize the reception nurse is played by Jerry's TV mom, Liz Sheridan. And of course everyone will recognize Ed Lauter because that guy has been in everything. Brian Kerwin also did a good job as the town neer-do-well, but you'll probably remember him mostly from his youthful appearances in TV during the 70's and spend the rest of the movie wondering what happened to him and his career.

The ending of "Nickel Mountain" is completely ridiculous and almost ruins everything that went before. Plus the budget was so low I don't think the cinematographer was given enough lights because the screen was way too dark to see anything at times.

"Nickel Mountain", while by no means a masterpiece, does have its moments and will stick with you long after the end credits roll -- Heather's topless love scene ranking way up there. I'd watch it again, and that is worth 5-stars. Someday I'd like to read the book and compare it to the film.
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