Not too shabby...
9 June 2023
The 1942 short animated story "Destruction Inc." from writers Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster and Jay Morton is a pretty straight forward story. Though it was very much in tune with the other 1940s animated short stories of "Superman".

Predictable, sure. But there was still something enjoyable and entertaining about the narrative in "Destruction Inc.", though we are really given no reason for why Lois and Clark are undercover at a munitions factory.

The art style and animation in "Destruction Inc." is good. And it feels like the animators went a little bit out of their way to make the goons in this particular story more alive, as the animation was a bit more flexible and with more fluid motions to it.

If you enjoy these 1940s short animated stories, then you will also like "Destruction Inc." from directors Izzy Sparber, Dave Fleischer and Dave Tendlar, of that I am certain.

My rating of "Destruction Inc." lands on a six out of ten stars.
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