For years I thought I'd imagined these
10 June 2023
I saw these Adventures of Young Indiana Jones years ago and I honestly thought I imagined them because they disappeared for years. I would always tell people there were all these stories about Indy in World War I, and people didn't believe me. I was so happy to see the entire series is now on Disney+ and I can see them again.

Watching them years later, I'm surprised at how well they hold up. Sure, they didn't have the same budget as the films, but in many cases they did shoot on location and you really get a feel for Europe during the war.

Secondly, can I just shout at how GOOD Sean Patrick Flanery was as the eponymous Young Indy. Not only did he have the looks to match a younger Harrison Ford, but he also captured the character perfectly, if a much more earnest and innocent version of Indy (when and how he became more cynical I don't know).

Unfortunately, we never got another season and got to also see younger versions of characters from Raiders, especially Abner and Marion Ravenwood or Sallah, but we do get a backstory of the troubled father-son relationship between the Joneses.
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