This show is 100% worth watching
13 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have been disabled since 2016 so I spend a lot of my time watching TV and Anime. I have seen literally 100s of anime. This is by far one of my favorite animes thus far. The graphics are amazing and him going form a broken person to an amazing person definitely hits home for me since being disabled sucks and being in pain 24/7 sucks and not being able to walk anymore and not being loved as my wife of 14 years kicked me out two years ago because as she said I was worthless and useless. So to be able to go between earth and another place with a house and all this gear that healed him, increased everything about him, made him 1000 times better at everything is definitely appealing to me. I would give anything to have this happen to me. The show is really good and the main character is a great person. I like how this anime is essentially 2 animes in one. He has his earth life and his other world life. But when he increases his skills in the other world it translates to earth as well. Super amazing and I definitely love this show.
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