Review of Kakegurui

Kakegurui (2017–2019)
A High-Stakes Thrill Ride with a Few Gambles
15 June 2023
Kakegurui is an anime series that delves into the twisted world of high-stakes gambling, offering viewers a thrilling and intense experience. With its unique premise and engaging characters, the show manages to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. While Kakegurui excels in certain aspects, it also falls short in a few areas, warranting a rating of 7/10.

One of the standout features of Kakegurui is its captivating storyline. Set in a prestigious academy where gambling reigns supreme, the show explores the dark and manipulative nature of human psychology. Each episode presents a new gambling game or challenge that pushes the boundaries of rationality and morality, keeping viewers hooked as they witness the characters' relentless pursuit of victory.

The series boasts a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique gambling strategies and quirks. Yumeko Jabami, the protagonist, is a fearless and enigmatic gambler who thrives on the thrill of risk-taking. Her interactions with other students, such as the cunning and calculating Mary Saotome, add layers of complexity to the story, making the battles of wits all the more exciting.

Moreover, the animation in Kakegurui is vibrant and visually striking. The character designs are distinctive and expressive, capturing the intense emotions and mind games that unfold during the gambling matches. The show's art style effectively conveys the opulence and decadence of the academy setting, immersing viewers in a world where every bet is a high-stakes affair.

However, Kakegurui does have its shortcomings. One area where the series falters is in its pacing. While the high-intensity gambling moments are gripping, there are instances where the story feels dragged out, particularly during the exposition and buildup leading to the actual games. This pacing issue can sometimes dampen the overall excitement and make certain episodes feel less impactful.

Additionally, some viewers may find it difficult to suspend their disbelief when it comes to the exaggerated nature of the gambling scenarios. While Kakegurui strives to create a heightened sense of tension and drama, it occasionally veers into the realm of implausibility, stretching the boundaries of logic and realism. This might detract from the immersion for those seeking a more grounded narrative.

Furthermore, despite its strong premise, Kakegurui falls short in fully exploring the complexities of its characters. While the show introduces a vast array of interesting personalities, it often neglects to delve deep into their backstories and motivations. This leaves some characters feeling underdeveloped and leaves potential for richer character arcs untapped.

In conclusion, Kakegurui offers a thrilling and visually captivating journey into the world of high-stakes gambling. The storyline is engaging, the characters are intriguing, and the animation is visually impressive. However, the series suffers from pacing issues, occasional lapses in believability, and underdeveloped character arcs. With improvements in these areas, Kakegurui has the potential to be an even more compelling and immersive anime. As it stands, it earns a solid 7/10 rating.
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