I get that they are just following the manga, but this show is boring!
28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm really disappointed. The pilot had so much potential but quickly deteriorated into generic, uninspired nonesense.

From the start, we see Yuuya as someone downtrodden, bullied and miserable, but a good person worthy of far more kindness than he receives. Someone we are obviously meant to sympathize with and root for. But after the first ten minutes of the anime making it clear how difficult his life is, it than proceeds to make everything WAY TO EASY.

From Magical weight loss and indestructible fighting skills, to every character fawning over how HADNSOME and AMAZING he is. Nothing feels earned. Everything was just given to him with magic. On top of that, he is a complete Gary Stu, with no flaws other than some social awkwardness that everyone predictably finds cute rather than an actual flaw.

And that's just my gripe with the main character, not that any other character is really noteworthy. All the girls want to be with him and all the guys (except the BAD GUYS of course) admire him. The plots from episode to episode are weak, repetitive and unoriginal and the anime itself adds nothing new to the table in terms of design, animation, lore, history; any of it. It's just boring.
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