The Walking Dead: Save the Last One (2011)
Season 2, Episode 3
At times a bit of a stumble.
29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The reason a lot of people look back on season 2 with distaste is because they say it's "boring", and there is a lot of talk of few zombies and lots of melodrama.

This episode is a hard one to use as a defense against that point. There is a lot of melodrama here. Carol is still upset over Sophia, Lori and Rick seem to never stop bickering over what to do with Carl, Glenn is obviously lovestruck by Maggie, and Shane is clearly going through some stuff at the start of the episode.

There are two plot lines that do keep me interested in this episode for future rewatches though:

  • Shane sacrificing Otis to get the supplies back. At the time it seemed incredibly cruel and depraved, but on a survival sense it was a really good idea to get himself away from the horde. This is what people mean when they say Shane was ahead of the curb for survival in this world.

  • Daryl and Andrea. This plotline is great because we get more insight into who Daryl is and some of the abuses he took as a kid, but we also get needed levity from all the tragedies through Daryl and Andrea taking pot shots at one another through the form of making fun of one another.

Not a terrible episode by any means, but not up to par with episodes 1&2.
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