Gold Diggers (2023– )
More history rewritten badly
12 July 2023
I'm absolutely over script writers who try to rewrite history by putting 21st century language, swearing, lifestyle and mannerisms into shows set in bygone years, (the 19th century in this case). I believe the misconceived logic behind this concept is that by "modernising" the script, it appeals to a younger audience. If it does attract younger viewers, it tirnscoff okder viewers,so what is gained on the roundabout , you lose on the swing. If TV/Movie producers/writers want to attract a bigger audience, go back to basics, give us quality shows, be true to the era they are set in, don't "modernise" shows set in previous decades, or centuries and fill them with F bombs and 21st century language. Gold Diggers would have to be the worst comedy I've ever watched. Anyone who gave this show more than 5 stars would either have to be friends/relatives of the script writers or actors, or would find any old garbage they watch funny. ABC have stooped to an all time low by airing and promoting it, their standards of good comedy shows have dropped. And let's face it, they once set such a high standard with shows like Kath and Kim. Please give us more comedy like that!
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