This movie surpise me after reading the negative reviews
16 July 2023
True, more a thriller than a horror film,(no zombies or ghosts...lol) but...well worth watching.

Saw another reviewer said ''after 20 minutes , so predictable'' he quit watching....... Damn near took his advice ,glad I DIDN'T.

The trailer comes across like countless movies about stumbling into some nut job family , nope a better story.

A few good twists to it.

Pacing is perfect, Begin's telling ya just enough about the characters to make ya think ya know them , then the story steadily increases in detail,action and twists.

As far as acting and writing goes..Everyone convincing , story line kept me pulled in till the end.

{Huge Kudos to the woman that played the ''MOM''} --------------------------------------------------------------------- IMHO There are movies well worth watching ,but only once. Because the twists.

This movie is worth a watch.
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