Review of Doll Face

Doll Face (1945)
Pleasant '40s musical
17 July 2023
An unusual cast perks up this '40s Fox musical, replete with the cliches of its period but providing quite pleasant old-fashioned entertainment, with Dennis O'Keefe's patented brash and domineering star turn (forgive the script's overt sexism). I especially enjoyed seeing the young Perry Como singing and romancing Martha Stewart (no, not that Martha Stewart), having watched his tv series for so many years in my youth.

The cleansed version of burley-que portrayed is quaint and actually not so far removed from the softcore peep show loops and burlesque movies shown as so-called Adult entertainment in the '50s -it was fun to watch. And especially to see how times have changed now that this is shown On Demand for free courtesy of the new owners of the Fox library -Disney!
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