Quite an enjoyable sequel
24 July 2023
I just finished watching Highlander 2 for the first time ever, and I have to say, I thought it is quite an enjoyable sequel to the first Highlander, in fact, I enjoyed this more than the first film.

Yes I agree, it does have a ridiculous storyline about the Ozone layer, and at times a hilarious script, but I felt intrigued throughout and it definitely did not drag for me in terms of pace.

The best part of it is the atmosphere and the futuristic aspect of the plot. The city landscapes and design reminded me of Gotham City of the Tim Burton Batman films, it also felt like Blade Runner at times and some aspects of the Crow.

Acting was also not bad, Sean Connery is such charismatic and you feel he is having so much fun making this film, his scenes are funny and engaging. Granted i am a big fan so i might be biased.

Other supporting actors were also pretty good including the sexy Virginia Madsen, the villain played by Micheal Ironside is also memorable. I particularly found John C Mcginley very funny and laughable, he has such dorky expressions.

I believe the biggest downfall is the lead actor, I have to say, I am not a big fan of Christopher Lambert, he generally isn't the best of actors, often wooden and lacks talent, he is probably one of the downfalls of both Highlander films.

No offense to him or his fans, but I can't remember any good performances of his.

Action is ok for that period of time, one scene in the beginning of the film was laughable with flying goblins and Connor riding a hoverboard like the one from Back to the future 2, but you have to admit, it's something intriguing and fun to watch ;)

The soundtrack was also brilliant, relying much on heavy rock, which i really liked, and the whole film manages to capture the 80s filmmaking feeling brilliantly despite it being a 1991 film and it takes place in the future ( 2024 to be exact ), one year away from the time i am writing this review !

So basically, it is a fun and fast paced film with a dark atmosphere, futuristic designs and a cool soundtrack, it is very watchable and one will find something enjoyable to see in it.

It is more Scifi than the fantasy based first film, and perhaps that's why i liked it more.

Lots of reviewers here are taking it seriously and being over critical, just enjoy it for what it is !!
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