Doctor Who (1963–1989)
So difficult.
28 July 2023
I'm not even going to try and give you an opinion of each Doctor or each companion, much less each story.

I am probably (certainly) going to meander off into an anti recent 'New Who' rant.

'New Who' started so well, the future looked rosy, it was like picking up where we left off... THEN, all canon was thrown out of the window and for the many that grew up with the show all links were severed.

I am writing as we await the return of Russell T. Davies as showrunner. Not since its cancellation in '89 has the show been at such a low ebb. This seems to me to be entirely due to the writing - patronising, preachy, yes possibly, but worst of all DULL. No-one cares about the companions, no decent *new* monsters, too much trying to be clever with the history and long-established pillars around which the show has for decades been built (grown?)

I don't care for one second about the gender or colour of The Doctor, what I do care about is enduring watching the show become dull. Being dull is the death knell of any form of entertainment, but maybe especially television. Just give us an adventure, a good plot, likeable/hateful companions, maybe even a character or two we can care if they live or die, not the dross that the last few years have been - can it be possible that there is not a single soul on Earth capable of writing a 50 minute show with a story, a beginning a middle and an end, a decent sci-fi/fantasy concept, an even remotely threatening baddie/monster?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for 2024 because I'd hate to see the show I grew up with get cancelled again, this time for being boring instead of having a head of the BBC that simply didn't like it (not 100% true, but not far off).

Sorry, not much of a review, but I feel better...
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