The Witcher: The Cost of Chaos (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
Farewell Henry....
29 July 2023
The Witcher season 3 was, well a complete letdown as we all knew it would be. The only good things about this season were of course, Henry, Freya, the music and action scenes. The writing, directing, editing and pretty much everything else, was utter trash. You would think CW made this season.

This is the finale episode we will see of Henry and I'm glad he's leaving, especially if this series is going to keep this kind of quality. The showrunners clearly have no respect for this world and the characters within it, because this whole thing is a complete mess and has a ridiculous amount of disrespect towards the original story, the author and those you have come to love both the games, and the novels.

The editing in this episode and this season as a whole has been so bad, I would expect more from a 5 year old bashing on a keyboard. Some scenes don't merge well, some scenes have unnecessary cuts ect. This season has had dreadful directing, poor CGI. It's just a mess.

I will give praise to then main cast, as they have clearly tried their best, and they deserve better than what they have been given. The music has been good, as have the action scenes, which is why this doesn't get a 1/10. Some of the locations were stunning, and there is some really good camera work here and there. But overall, season 3 has been awful. It has betrayed the essence of the characters, had a muddle plot, poor directing and I'm glad it's ending here. I won't watch season 4 when it comes out, as I have no interest in this anymore.

This series could have been remarkable, it could have been Netflix answer to Game of Thrones, but failed in every attempt to be it's equal. Which is a shame, because in the right hands, this could have been one of the best fantasy TV shows out there.

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