More Disappointed than Painless Peoples
9 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
And that really seems to be part of the theme, and major part: People can no longer feel pain.

At least not under normal circumstances. This tends to also raise the question of hether or not people can feel any sensation, whether pleasurable or otherwise Folks seem to be evolving in a very inefficient, uncontrollable and laughable way, and its clearly got some people freaked out.

But in a world where sensation is the sense are dulled, people are going to great lengths just to experience something..ANYTHING that makes them feel alive.

Sexual intercourse also seems ot have gone the way of the dogs, which might indeed indicate that people have indeed stopped feeling most everything, good and bad, in this possible future.

HUman beings seem to still be dextrous enough to function day to day, and even perform questionably complex "procedures" for the sake of entertaining the vapid and hollow masses that need more and more. Everything around from buildings to streets and houses have fallen into disrepair. And the films narrative claims its because nobody feels pain, so theres no need ot be careful; but that this has also created a dangerous world. We were shown zero or the implicit dangers beyond those people partake of themselves. The worst hting mentioned was how nobody washes thei hands anymore. Nobody. YEt are there still infectious diseases? People just cut each other in the street like they are openly partaking in some taboo act that was once frowned upon like having sex in the open, or taking drugs for all the world to see.

The movie seems to want to be taken seriously, but it goes overboard with an ironic over saturation of often unstimulating event sequences. In between all the bland and boring dialogue, eventually hteres what people came for: THe VISCERAL NItty Gritty.

Maybe Cronenberg is trying to show us that humanity in real life has been vapid for a very long time, as every genre and story and various plot devices have all been done in most every way possible already, yet we still seek new experiences. People still seek out movies and stil go to the cinema pointlessly, even though streaming will kill movie theaters just like it killd video renal places. Buttloads of ever similar video games that are more like interactive films keep getting spoonfed to the masses till they go broke monetarily and mentally. And you can just download stuff instead of buy physical media, which also killed most arcades in a lot of places.

YEt here we are...attempting to cast jdgment on people that literally miss the feelings that they once took for granted. Just like we do in real life. We hid from experiences that are mundane and simple, such as outdoor excurions or other activities for fear of harm, injury or death. YEt we came to see it done" Fictionally" by Cronenber. Another arguable testament to his ability to horrify but grip viewers, while still not learning how to properly and smoothly, satisfactorily transition from scene to scene in a film. HE got lucky with the original "Fly" film, and "Scanners" was ok, as were some of his other stuff. Sadly after looking forward to a movie that I wondered at the possibilities of, it only took some "risks" here and there. ANd despite having fairly attractive Lea Sedoux's nake body in another movie, which was as always most pleasing to the eyes, it felt as forced as when two other chicks in the film just up and got naked for no real reason.

The movie was more of a miss than a hit, but it still made its point about calling out the human race.

Reminds me of the futurist "Dark Space Elves" from Warhammer 40,000; aka the Dark Eldar or whatever they are called nowadays. They had a galaxy sprawling civilization for millions of years that fell into sloth and avarice, partaking in the wors mortal crimes imaginable and hten some, until it destroyed most all of them after generations of unbridled hedonistic gore fests and sensory indulgences beyond reasoning. BUt it all had to start somewhere. And this movie almost gives us a glimpse of a "What If" scenario for the world, just a few years from now.

With Viggo Mortenson looking like the main villain from the original Bladerunner film roflolmfao *smfh.

5/10, not for the squemish, and had one part that was a bit tasteless and might be easily offensive to just about anyone. I know Icertainly could have done without seeing...what was one of the last scenes. So pointless overall and the wrid organic tecj made me laugh too often. DONT SEE WITH KIDS OR FAMILY! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Just avoid tbh. Oh and remember to recycle and be green friendly, that was also somehow a message...kinda...blah blah blah. :P BE well lol.
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