The Most Boring Superhero Film Ever
12 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to go into this with a fresh open mind. I tried not to think about the BTS racism and him underpaying vfx artists or anything like that.

That being said, the movie still sucks

The entire first hour of the movie consists of Peter, Harry and MJ crying over the death of Gwen. It got to points (plural) where it was genuinely "Oh my God, we get it, SHE'S DEAD!!!!!!!" It's not even as if you have to establish this for a general audience because only fans will be watching the movie. The whole point of Spider-Man Blue, the book they're adapting, is Peter looking back on the good times with Gwen, to show a message of moving on and focusing on the good memories and not the bad. There is only one scene like that in this movie, which features a total and utter lack of chemistry between Peter and Gwen. The rest of the scenes that take place before Gwen's death are moody flashbacks in black and white or really awful fights between Peter and Norman. The rest of this movie is Peter and Tim, the only thing stopping this from being a 1/10, and Harry crying over the death of his abusive dad. Look, I don't mind sad movies but when you go into a Spider-Man movie, I think you should be expecting at least a little bit of action to contrast with the drama.

However the swinging is quite nice, so there's that, I guess.

But for a movie that cost $125,000 to make, it should be nowhere near this bad.
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