"Honor is everything."
15 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had me recalling the one that opened the second season of the original 'Star Trek" titled 'Amok Time'. That story developed the concept of Pon Farr, the time of mating, and used it to create havoc with Spock's rational side. It eventually became my favorite episode of the series, as it had excellent writing and gave us the first genuine 'Holy ____' moment in the history of Star Trek with the death of Captain Kirk!! I won't give it all away as you owe it to yourself to catch that one if you're a Star Trek fan.

This one on the other hand just felt campy with its costuming and embarrassing acting by some of the principals. Three episodes in and the writers had Lieutenant Natasha Yar (Denise Crosby) in a pivotal role which could have determined the fate of the Enterprise crew. She doesn't strike me at this point to be someone assertive enough to hold such an important position as security chief, and when she admitted that she was attracted to the Ligonian leader Lugon (Jessie Lawrence Ferguson), I simply groaned. To say the fight between her and Yareena (Karole Selmon) was awkwardly staged would be an understatement.

I don't know what it is, but the first episode of Next Generation showed promise with the introduction of the main characters, but the second episode 'The Naked Now', and now this one demonstrates a bit of a reversal in terms of writing and acting. Even the sets looked a little cheesy, especially that goofy battle cage that Yar and Yareena fought in. I would have expected a little more competence in a series coming out twenty years after the original one. I guess I'll have to be patient, as things have to pick up from here.
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