Charlton Heston as a doctor with some experience poised against the dangers of Lizabeth Scott
16 August 2023
The splendour of this film is the outstanding dialog, which is enjoyable and intelligent all the way, in all its turnings around about ethics, conscience, ambition, vocation and the difficult question of what is right. Lizabeth Scott is not bad, she is just beautiful and charming and irresistible and can't do without her life in luxury at the top, and when she wants Charlton Heston to have the same she only means well. But Charlton is a doctor here with some experience out of two wars, the world war and the Korea war, and he finds life at the top somewhat difficult to adapt to with all its cocktail parties, rich patients of hypochondria, glamour and luxury, which just doesn't fit into what he has been brought up to. The film has been compared to Cronin's "The Citadel", and it's a good comparison, Cronin could have written this story, but it is still sharper and more poignant, as the condition of the coal miners play an important part here, although not quite as great as in "The Stars Look Down", which is also worth remembering in this context. The acting is superb, Ray Collins has an important part, and the ending is without upsets. It is all logical and natural, and Charlton Heston remains as admirable as Lizabeth Scott remains as beautiful as ever.
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