Winterhawk (1975)
nice scenery
30 August 2023
Smallpox killed half of the Blackfoot nation in the summer of 1840. Some years later, Clayanna (Dawn Wells) narrates about her life with Blackfoot chief Winterhawk (Michael Dante). He's seeking medicine for the smallpox epidemic, but white people recoil in fear. His men are killed and he gets robbed by bandits. In retaliation, he kidnaps Clayanna and her little brother Cotton.

The locations are grand. I can do without the bad music. Some of the music is comedic which fits none of this movie. I can see a good film somewhere in here except the execution lets this down. This really should be all about Clayanna and Winterhawk, but it spends too much time with the bad guys. I don't care about any of the pursuers. I barely care about Clayanna and Winterhawk. This does have nice scenery, but everything else is lacking.
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