Gangstastein And His Ghetto ReAnimator.
30 August 2023
Vicaria is an incredibly intelligent young woman.

A black teenager, who goes to a predominantly white school, with racist teachers.

Who is understandably upset, when one of said teachers calls the cops on her, when she challenges the status quo.

Taught to think outside the box by her father...she truly believes that death is a disease that can be cured.

So, when her brother, Chris, is killed as a result of gang activity.

She decides to put her hypothesis to the test...by attempting to reanimate him.

Which she does successfully.

Though, not exactly with the results she was hoping for.

Because, upon his return, Chris goes on a bit of a killing spree.

Reaping vengeance on his enemies...including those who continue to threaten his family.

Leaving Vicaria to deal with the aftermath of her actions...in all their various forms.

What stands out here is the acting- particularly from lead actress Laya DeLeon Hayes- and general style of the film.

Which, while the story itself could have been improved upon, fashions writer/director Bomani J Story as a force to watch out for in the future.

As this is his feature length directorial debut.

Having been produced by CryptTV, I would've liked to have seen a bit more effort put in to the creature effects on the monster.

Because it kind of looked like it was just a dude covered in oil, after having chomped down on a blood capsule.

So...not exactly a character that immediately strikes fear into your soul.

The rest of the film is decent enough to keep you engaged, at least, though.

So it's not a complete bust.

But nothing particularly great, either.

4 out of 10.
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