Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (2007–2009)
The best Gundam after the very first one of the saga
3 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't looked yet the latest Gundam series, the recent Hathaway films; I only saw Gundam Thunderbolt once but I watched all the other anime at least twice, just to be sure of what I saw. And of all of them, the one that amazed me the most was undoubtedly Gundam 00. It's clear that if we have to rank all the Gundams, the very first series must be in first place for a whole bunch of obvious reasons (well thought out despite some lapses in taste, well-constructed characters, innovative story, surprising action, etc.) but just after that it is necessary to place Gundam 00 and not Zeta (too disorderly, very poorly constructed dramatization...), and no SEED and SEED Destiny because both have lower drawing quality than Gundam 00 as well as too many very disrespectful absurdities in the dramatization (major story inconsistencies, many characters surviving terrible explosions...).

Gundam 00 has the same flaw as all ambitious cinematographic works (animated or not): Very good ideas at the base, but numerous flaws in their implementation. Gundam 00 is, however, the series which contains the fewest errors, the one which expresses the most seriousness in the work and also the one which has the most incredible soundtrack there is; just the very first opening theme. What an irresistible diamond! I have listened to millions of drum games but never have I been so transported by the playing of a drummer (Not even Dave Weckl in Festival de ritmo). The first time I watched the series I was so happy that I went to the reviews hoping to find out that it had won many awards. To my great surprise I discovered that another anime had been preferred: Code Geass. I was sure that it was abnormal, so I obtained Code Geass which I followed once (recognizing the quality of the work) then a second time several months later where I was able to clearly see its defaults. Where Gundam 00 beats Code Geass is in the message. Code Geass has a real inconsistency and a real sickening side while Gundam conveys an extremely beautiful, strong and useful message, capped off by a film that makes much more sense than people think. Although there are several subjects that were unfinished, the final message is truly grandiose and the film explains for example why Setsuna became so special, why the GN particles are so special and why Aeolia Schenberg is a particularly important character. His speech against science and humanity is so relevant that it transcends the realm of cinema and is of profound importance to the current state of our world.

Gundam 00 is a major work thanks to its soundtrack, its ambition, its message, its discourse on the hyper underestimated drama of fear, the beauty of the Gundams, the quality of the animation, the design of the characters, the dialogues, the architectural richness, its profusion of very high quality characters (Aeolia Schenberg, Setsuna F. Seiei, Lockon Stratos, Allelujah Haptism, Marie Parfasi, Tieria Erde, Sumeragi Lee Noriega, Shirin Bakhtiar, Klaus Grado, Ali al-Saachez , Graham Aker, Billy Katagiri, Ralph Eifman, Saji Crossroad, Louise Halevy, Sergei Smirnov, Hank Hercules, Kati Mannequin and even Marina Ismail). Characters all of great value. Some have suffered enormously, they carry a terribly heavy burden, but what makes them deeply endearing is the intelligence with which they have chosen to overcome their suffering (Aeolia, Setsuna,...). And others are important because they embody unbalanced people who, like many people today, have forgotten; Graham, for example, has forgotten that what matters is not Bushido as interpreted by his masters but Life itself; Ali al-Saachez forgot that when we neglect the great principles of life, we end up merging with pure evil and there is nothing worse than that. This last fact is particularly important because it is the path taken for a long time by several big fortunes in this world, like this rich American forty-year-old (I think) who injects himself with the plasma of his 17 year old son to resist the effects of time. Brief ! Gundam 00 is an underrated work whose value can only be seen by people who can open their minds. It is by far the richest Gundam whose only opponent is none other than the very first serie of that great saga. It is simply a masterpiece.
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