Mad Men: Blowing Smoke (2010)
Season 4, Episode 12
Return of Midge, and Glen
8 September 2023
Right when the show is getting really edgy and Don's entire career and the company we're following is down to the wire, and suddenly we're thrust into a story that keeps popping up like a bad penny...

Worse yet, a BAD ACTOR penny, and that's creator Matt Weiner's son as Glen, the creepy Peter Lorre-looking kid that now has a crush no longer on Betty but Sally...

Meanwhile, Sally is so little and chaste while Glen has had a growth spurt, and he resembles a giant cardboard box (especially with that jersey) and looks far too old for the little girl, and not only that but he's like a bad-advice devil on her shoulder, and he should just go away...

I realize this doesn't happen and he comes back after another growth spurt but he's just as robotic as ever... it's amazing how a kid can be forced onto a profession like acting when they cannot act, and will inherit millions and doesn't have to work anyway...


This is the Don's Tobacco Letter episode and it's a pretty good one... Another chance to see Don Draper going against the flow, taking a giant risk, and without anyone believing in him, until they do...

Meanwhile another original cast member returns, and it's Don's first love affair, the progressive Midge, who was once ahead of the times and now that her people have taken over the culture, she seems rather ordinary and...

Well it's not worth spoiling what's become of her, and while it's not as bad as what they eventually do with Kinsey, it's pretty lame...

Anyhow, ugh, Glen needs to go away but... nepotism, you know, you just can't fight it.
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