The Lady Eve (1941)
A Poor Preston Sturges Film
26 September 2023
Rarely is this reviewer unable to watch a film to the very end, but "The Lady Eve" is one where I could only make it to the two-thirds point. The film is supposed to be a screwball comedy and having seen many in this genre, but nothing in this picture made me laugh. Henry Fonda took some pratfalls, but they were not particularly funny. Barbara Stanwyck came of as annoying and obnoxious.

One reviewer writes that "I am a Cuddles Sakal fan, and so his supporting work is greatly appreciated--though it is hard to imagine such a cute cuddly old guy as a con man!" Unfortunately, Sakal is not in the film at all, but Charles Coburn is. The reviewer must be confusing Coburn with Sakal. He also writes "This film and HAIL THE CONQUERING HERO are my favorite Presto Sturgis movies." Again, the writer/director is Preston Sturges.
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