Confusing, disjointed. Suggest Wikipedia plot summary as an aid.
2 October 2023
I do not know the Harry Palmer series at all, so I am viewing this film with no backstory nor understanding of the recurring characters or the franchise "rules." That said, as a standalone movie, I found Billion Dollar Brain, confusing at best.

At the one-hour mark, so many questions. Why is a Russian general sneaking into Michael Caine's hotel room? Why is Caine on some ambush party in Latvia photographing "secrets" being carried in a potato truck? What's his relationship with Karl Malden other than just being "old friends?" And no curiosity at all about the billion dollar brain that spits out commands and orders? The glamorous Francoise DorleacI pops in and out, with not much explanation. What's her story? I hate exposition, but this is one movie that could actually use a little more.

Michael Caine is quoted by his biographer, Michael Hall as saying, "Ken Russell lost the story somewhere and no one could care a damn about what was going on because they couldn't follow what was going on."

I actually had to go to the Wikipedia plot summary to get re-oriented and then rewatch earlier scenes. (I am grateful for streaming). The crib notes vastly improved my enjoyment of the film.

I'm guessing the incoherence is just a function of lazy editing. Perhaps a disjointed script. Too much plot. Inattention as Caine stated. Or maybe that was the style that permeated spy movies of the time, though the Bond films are very easy to follow.

On the plus side, I love Michael Caine's performance as sort of a poor man's Bond. He's a middle class guy - he's in MI5 not MI6 after all - struggling to run what looks to be a Sam Spade-type detective agency in London. He's low key. Skeptical bordering on cynical. The glasses give him a touch of vulnerability.

Karl Malden is convincing as an international criminal / con artist. Grizzled and blustery as ever. And that nose! Ed Begley as the over the top General Midwinter has just the right degree of right-wing craziness. In 2023 we know a lot more about what that looks like.

Oh, and the second half of the movie? Once we meet General Midwinter in Texas the action gets into gear and the plot makes more sense. The right-wing hoe-down / political rally is chilling.

The locations in Finland are marvelous. The Honeywell computers are authentic. Clearly there was a generous budget. And the prediction of an easy break up of the Soviet Union, turned out to be prescient as did the rise of an American, right-wing cult leader.

So a seven rating. Points for the cast and locations. A few more for "effort". But minuses for editing and coherence.
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