5 October 2023
Solved ? Ridiculous. SO many reasons it is just silly. The number of people to "go into hiding" and remain silent. So many outright lies and incredible stretching of facts ... Jackie married Onassis so SOON after JFK death (5 FIVE years after). JFK on Skorpios ... Then 5 years later she married. So many attended his body ... All saw a body double ? JD Tippett was NOT in any ways "identical" to JFK except the both had 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth. JD T was in the casket ... Um, what about JDT funeral ... Who was that in his casket ? Oswald killed nobody but JDT ... So Oswald worked in the Texas School Book Depository ... people DID see a white male with a rifle. JFK is shot in front of the TSBD and Oswald leaves work (did not kill JFK) goes home and then out for a stroll decides to shoot Tippett (the supposed body double) who later is in the JFK casket. The silliest and most STUPID claim is Jackie pulling a string so the "Hollywood" fake blood capsule explodes on his right side head.

Just plain NUTS QANON jibberish. Weidner is NOT a celebrated film maker but a typical outlandish "theory est" who made a slick and somewhat professional appearing (appearing if you are ignorant and ignorant of the details of the assassination) video that is just plain embarassingly ridiculous. A total SKIP watching.
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