A Separation story 6 decades before an Iranian masterpiece, with that typical comedy and pulpy Happy ending.
9 October 2023
The Marrying Kind (1952) : Brief Rev5-

A Separation story 6 decades before an Iranian masterpiece, with that typical comedy and pulpy Happy ending. The Iranian masterpiece "A Separation" (2011) is a universal classic, and I remember feeling numb at the end of the movie. The basic problems that cause arguments and indifferences between a man and his wife were covered with simplicity there. But George Cukor did it 6 decades ago, and that too with a comedy movie. It's funny and interesting, though, especially with the kind of cast it has. The only problem is that it's too simple and typical. You just knew it was going to have that rushed, quick, happy ending. And it happens with a blink of an eye. Well, that was quite normal those days, but then I think about some of the 30s and 40s classics and good films that were so meaningful and substantial with similar subjects. The Marrying Kind is about a couple appealing for a divorce in court. The female judge asks them to tell their story, and they begin telling it from the pass-by point. During the narration, they and the judge also realise that the problems are not that big. It was more about ego and self-obsession that caused insouciance between the love birds. Judy Holliday does what she was known for. Comedy! Only this time, she is far more sensible than her regular peculiar genius or ingenious characters. Aldo Ray couldn't match her, but he did well for himself. Madge Kennedy's Lady Judge was convincing, even though the character was written as being forcefully supportive. Ruth Gordon and Garson Kanin's script is non-fancy, simple, and too natural to have many variations. The dialogue could've been better and crisper. George Cukor had many great movies by the time the 50s began, and he had nothing to prove his grand stature. So he makes a film for couples to make them realise the importance of saving their marriage. A fine watch for any season.

RATING - 6/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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