Metropolis (1927)
An incredible piece of cinema.
9 October 2023
This is a film I haven't seen since my media studies days, as a student I always remember being challenged at my opinion that Star Wars was the sci fi movie that defined and changed the genre (an opinion I still have,) but I was presented with Metropolis, it blew me away.

How on Earth can a silent movie from the 1920's look so futuristic, and offer something so incredibly unique. My limited exposure to 1920's cinema is pretty much limited to Chaplin, Buster Keaton and host of murder mysteries, this is altogether different.

The visuals at the time must have been jaw dropping for viewers, credit to the production team for using whatever resources they had to deliver the various special effects.

The underground scenes look remarkable, I just love the uniformity of the way that the workers move, they are dehumanised, merely cogs in the grand machinery of Metropolis.

There is a good reason why this film has such a high rating, in spite of being nearly a century old, it's still brilliant, do not miss this film.

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