The Terror (1963)
Karloff Is The Best Thing In The Movie
15 October 2023
This movie has a lot of problems and weaknesses, but the biggest weakness is Jack Nicholson. He's supposed to be a French military officer, but he doesn't even remotely try to portray a French military officer. All he did was put on a French military coat and he thought that was good enough. Put on the coat, show up to the set, and you're good to go. Right, Jack? Wrong, Jack! You sucked in this movie because you didn't even try. And that's unforgivable. It's amazing his career didn't come to a sudden and screeching halt after this movie. But I guess the ultimate blame goes to casting. What were they thinking...Jack Nicholson as a French military officer.....haha that's a good one!

In the first scene that Nicholson and Karloff have together Karloff completely embarrasses and shames the lazy Nicholson with his superior acting. I've seen other reviewers say that Karloff couldn't act anymore at this point, but that's hogwash. Karloff still had that incredible charisma and depth of soul that only he had. Karloff was still Karloff.

The story has Nicholson wandering around a lot with a vague look on his face. I can't really blame him for that because he was just following the script and the director. Lots and lots of wandering around. Wandering and wondering. Wondering and wandering. There's a mysterious girl he's looking for, but everybody tells him that she doesn't exist. But he doesn't believe them and good for him. Always believe your own eyes!

The sets are wonderful. The sets are the next best thing in the movie after Boris Karloff. They were not built for this movie obviously as they are way too good for a cheapo production like "The Terror".

Bottom line, I can't highly recommend this movie except as a dated curiosity and as a chance to see Boris Karloff again.
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