A cute slice-of-life with a horrific ending
16 October 2023
I really enjoy this story. And I think the male lead really made this story fantastic. The strong silent type who is overprotective of his lady love and simply wants to provide for her. Unraveling his mysterious background and his story made this love story all the more appealing. The lady love Ra-ra was ridiculous. She was ridiculous because she was below average intelligence. And that's putting it nicely. Her lack of intellect was so off-putting but she had a charm about her which was sadly quite infantile. Still, I was able to enjoy the story for the main male lead actor and the second male lead actor were both appealing gentlemen. Rara and the teenage girl were a bit annoying at times but overall, I still found Ra-ra somewhat likeable, I just found her dumbness annoying. She had zero life skills and it took a young man who is her Junior and significantly younger than her to help her survive. Which really was pathetic but at the same time romantic. In one scene he even indicates to one person that his lady love wasn't that bright. But she was bright in spirit and talented , which cheered everyone up who was around her.

The last half hour of the final episode was horrific. And I mean this is the worst ending in kdrama history. I doubt very seriously that there is another show that could surpass how absolutely abysmal and how utterly dumb the ending was. The show has its charms and I would have given the show and eight, possibly higher, but I deducted a point for that ending. I was so appalled. I noticed that k-dramas have a tendency of not ending their shows well but this one took the cake.
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