Cute Young Woman Surrounded by Abuse and Incompetence
17 October 2023
The lead female is cute and she's a great actress.

The two male leads in the love triangle are the typical doll-boyz from any other Korean drama, who look good and dress good, but are kinda wooden.

All other characters are simply annoying, and sometimes massively disgusting non-entities (one personage drops his dentures into a pool of urine and pops them right back into his mouth??? Just how disgusting do you want to get in a "comedy"?).

I don't know why they had to cram so much stupidity into this series. All of it is unnecessary. I have to write this off to cultural differences: Given how popular this series is, a lot of people are obviously enjoying it.

They could have made it so much better. I mean, even the "case of the week" format would have been better. Instead, our impossibly cute and endlessly strong heroine just wonders about her life, with no goal, no job, no brains, with nothing to her personality beyond cuteness and strength, striving for nothing, leaving no impact.

And what of the constant mutual abuse? Her mother verbally assaults everyone apart from the rich guy, beats up her husband until he's literally blue in his face (is it comical?), all the bosses verbally assault and beat up their subordinates, schools and workplaces are full of abuse, and so on. Really shows Korea as an abusive and unhealthy society. I didn't find this "comical" but rather sad.

The plot falls apart in the later half, we know there's a criminal but no one seems to really care.

Net, give the character a goal, a motivation we could sympathize and relate with, give us a real villain, tell us a coherent story instead of just throwing a bunch of slapstick prancing on the screen.

Oh, and cut out that self-important, patronizing, yelling, abusive "mother". Just saying "eat well" sometimes doesn't make one a good parent. Argh, she infuriated me no no end.

First, I started skipping scenes with the idiotic neighbors wearing neon pink and green because they were adding nothing to the plot. Then I started skipping scenes with the idiotic and disgusting thugs for the same reason. Then I skipped every scene with the headache-inducing mother. Then I skipped the scenes with the idiot policemen. At that point, the brainless cutesyness of the "romantic" scenes annoyed me. And then there was nothing left to watch.

A series which considers pain, broken limbs, abuse and harassment to be comical? Not for me, sorry.
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