Wonder Woman: The Pied Piper (1977)
Season 2, Episode 6
Silly and Campy and Weird
21 October 2023
A music star, played by Martin Mull, has a strange power over young women. He plays the flute and they do what he wants. That sounds like it could lead to trouble and it does. It leads to crime.

When people knock the 1970's they usually say it was too "cheesy" or too "silly", etc. And if you watch this episode it's hard to argue with that....haha. It's extremely cheesy and silly. But it almost turns cheesy and silly into an art form. Nobody could be this cheesy and silly by accident it must have been on purpose.

It starts with the odd casting and shallow acting. The only casting part they got right was Eve Plumb (Jan Brady on The Brady Bunch). She's very good in this episode. There's a reality to her acting that's totally missing from the other guest actors. Martin Mull gave it a good try, but he just didn't have the acting "chops" as they say in the business. But I salute his effort.

Another one of the odd things about this episode is that the creepy flute player (played by Martin Mull) and Eve Plumb have the exact same hair color. They look like they're family members of some kind. I wonder if they cast it that way on purpose. Probably just a coincidence though. But it just looks odd.

Overall, it's kind of fun. It's a real time capsule of the 1970's. At least the silly part of the 1970's. Not all of the 1970's was silly, but this episode certainly was - silly and campy and weird. I gave it a "6".
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