Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (2010 Video Game)
Still more improvements, a brilliant continuation
9 November 2023
I was very impressed with Assassin's Creed 2, which picked up on everything that worked about the original game and turned out an overall beautiful sequel that improves in every category. Brotherhood is not as much of a leap forward, but it didn't need to be. It makes welcome additions to the mechanics and overall game quality, though, and continues a story very much in the same spirit as it's predecessor, blending the beautifully-executed Renaissance-era Rome and Ezio's effortless charisma, with the modern-day intrigue and heady mystery of Desmond's modern-day fight against Abstergo.

STORY: In both timelines, this game picks up exactly where AC2 left off; with Desmond and co on the run after Abstergo raids their hideout, and with Ezio in the vault beneath the Vatican following his battle with Rodrigo Borgia. The opening sequences make for a great welcome back to prime the player for another adventure in both timelines. From there, the pacing is very well-done, drawing focus to the main story when necessary, but never unnecessarily closing off the open world to the player. Overall, I found this story a little easier than that of AC2 to follow the first time around, possibly because I was already familiar with the cast of characters. Ezio's story ends in a decently satisfying way, and never seems to get less compelling. Desmond's story remains fairly static until the very end, per the game's internal logic, until, just like in the previous game, it kicks off a crazy ending that leaves the player with many more questions than answers. I can't imagine what it must have been like to play this game back in 2010 and have to wait a year for the follow-up.

GRAPHICS: The trailer for this game, as with the rest of the series, boasts insanely realistic graphics, and the gameplay pales in comparison to it. That's why I'm grateful for more modern trailers that clarify that the footage was captured from a console. For 2010, the graphics are decent, but in 2023 they're nothing to write home about. They're not BAD graphics by any stretch, but they don't hold up to some other games of the time (God of War 3, for example).

GAMEPLAY: There are a few additions to gameplay mechanics here - nothing reinvents the wheel, but they don't need to, and the changes are mostly welcome. My favourite change is the ability to use the titular brotherhood, and send other Assassins on contracts and missions around the entire world, bringing in passive income and generally boosting the immersion of being a leader in the Assassin movement. There is also a general improvement to some of the navigation and UI like the weapon wheel that just makes the game a little easier to use. The one change I'm not really in love with is the addition of 100% sync goals, bonus objectives that aren't necessary but that I feel the need to accomplish, which makes a handful of missions frustratingly difficult. However, the feeling of accomplishment from getting that 100% sync is very gratifying.

OVERALL: AC: Brotherhood is a worthy successor to AC2, with another captivating story and cliffhanger ending, and small improvements here and there to keep the gameplay immersive and fresh. Playing in 2010 may not have felt like a mechanical leap forward players might have hoped for, but playing the games back to back on The Ezio Collection keeps them all feeling very consistent. 9/10, a great addition to the series.
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