The Lucy Show: Lucy the Robot (1966)
Season 4, Episode 23
Lucy Spanks Dennis the Menace
11 November 2023
Lucy meets neighbor Sam Boscovitch (Vito Scotti), an inventor in search of financial backing. When he creates a life-size robot to entertain Mooney's hellion nephew and Lucy accidentally destroys it - she decides to impersonate the toy herself.

This episode was a DENNIS THE MENACE reunion of sorts for Gale Gordon and Jay North. Unfortunately, it is a very tepid effort. The entire first scene between Lucy and Sam is dull and full of exposition lines. The only funny one is when Lucy describes her teenage self as looking like "a lit match with buck teeth".

There's a good gag when Mooney plays a pre-recorded tape of negative responses to Lucy's request.

North's performance here seems off as he goes overboard in his line readings.

Lucy did the robot bit much better in Season 3's "Lucy and the Ceramic Cat".
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