Cocaine Bear (2023)
Bear high of a film
16 November 2023
If you went out, in these particular woods back in 1985, you were definitely in for a big surprise, This is exactly what this film is. You just can't get enough of it. It's so much scary fun, and most shockingly, it's true, but must of been quite exaggerated here in Movieville. If not, it's be more shocking. Starring a list of unknowns,, save for the great Ray Liotta in a final brilliant performance, as a detestable remorseless drug lord, CB is just addictive watching. The unknowns deliver colorful performances, in colorfully created characters, some real larger than life, ones, which is wonderfully appreciated. The film also throws in some '84, '85 songs, another surprise. And the film doesn't run short on gore, offering some real bloodthirsty moments, as our rampant bear, whose eyes light up in rich gold, after snorting and destroying the dropped packages of coke, goes on a crazed kill spree. Shot in clearer, sharper color, threw me, and I was quite annoyed, and adverse to this,, but did work for this film. Very Canadian. Banks must be praised ad proud for her brilliant direction, as I won't lie, there some real adrenaline pumping, and thrilling moments, plus some good scare shock. Moments. Those cubs are awfully cute too. Great finale soundtrack, and a nice mark of respect, for our beloved late actor, whose wonderful performance, is hard to forget, when reflecting back on this exciting, hell of an entertaining movie.
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