Makes me want to look for the other three.
30 November 2023
This is the second of five Scattergood Baines movies which star Guy Kibbee in the lead. Unlike most of Kibbee's roles, here he plays a guy who is actually very clever...and he is a decent man to boot. I loved the first film and was thrilled when I found "Scattergood Pulls the Strings".

Scattergood happens upon a young boy who is a runaway. It turns out Jimmy (Bobs Watson) has run away to look for his father, a man who went to jail for murder and who disappeared after his release. Instead of turning the boy over to the authorities, he befriends the boy and lets Jimmy stay with him while trying to determine where the boy's father is. In addition to helping this boy, he also aids a poor inventor who is working on improving a television system.

As in the previous film, Scattergood is a guy who likes to help his fellow man...and he seems to do it just because it's the right thing to do. You can't help but like the man...and decent writing and production values make this a film worth seeing.
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